The secret to tripling your chances of getting a job interview
This step-by-step guide will show you how to get job referrals without actually knowing any employees at your dream company.
Figure out the specific job title(s) that you want, and are realistic.
Set up Calendly and link it up to your Zoom account.
Think of your dream companies and go to each company’s LinkedIn page.
Tap on People
Search for anyone who went to your school, or has something in common with you that is somewhat unique. Going to the same university is usually the best option.
Open each person’s profile in a new tab and tap on Connect.
Tap Add a note, then enter the following note:
“Hi ___, I’m reaching out because [X company] is a company I really admire, and I see that you also [went to X school that you attended]/[have Y in common with me]. It would be really helpful to chat sometime to ask you what it’s like to work there. Would you be ok with that?”
Switch out the part that’s in bold and italics above.
Make sure the message has enough characters to fit in that invitation box.
If anyone says yes, reply with “Thanks for getting back to me! Here’s the link to my calendar: _____
You can also do a regular LinkedIn search (not just within a company,) and search for people who have the job title you’re interested in. Follow the same steps listed above, starting with step 2.
On the Zoom call:
Before the Zoom call happens, prepare a 3-5 bullet point intro (humble brag) about yourself. It should make you sound really impressive. Talk about your career, biggest accomplishment, etc.
Now at the very beginning of the call, after thanking them for joining/asking how they’re doing say “I think it’s a good time to introduce myself. I’m ___ and [3-5 bullet intro]
Next set the intention for the call. Something like ’On this call, I’d like to learn about your experience as ____.’
They might take this time to intro themselves, then you just ask questions based on what they say. The most important thing is that the call flows like a conversation, and should last between 5-20 mins total.
Have smart questions prepared before this call. Prep them by looking at the person’s LinkedIn, and on the company website that they work for.
Make sure the questions are leading in a direction, and aren’t just going all over the place.
Sometimes you’ll have to skip a question or 2 because the last answer they gave has led you down a path of talking about a different topic - that’s fine, just ask a different follow up question that more closely relates to what the other person is talking about.
At the end of the call, simply ask if their company has an employee referral program.
Not all companies have this, but by this point of the conversation you should’ve 1) shown the other person on the call that you are impressive, and 2) you might be a good person to grab coffee with at work. Either way, you’ll know if the conversation is going well.
Pay attention to their reply:
If they dont seem like they want to do that, ask them ‘No worries. What skills do you think someone in my position would need to transition into a role like this?’ Look at the section at the bottom of the page, to see what to do from here.
If they do want to refer you, then ask for the link to apply. Make sure to add their name as the person who told you about the role you apply for.
Done successfully, following these steps will get you more job interviews.
What if I don’t do well on the job interview?
Time to go back to the drawing board. If the above guide didn’t lead to any job offers, or referrals, then check out the sites below, and try again.
Gain new skills for free.
Google ‘Most important skills for [x job title]’
Go to
Enter a zip code in NYC and learn the skills that you will help you get hired.
Angelist - make a profile and apply to a bunch of companies that seem interesting
Indiehackers - work on your own business!